Brett A. Jones has been drawing completely freehand in graphite all his life. he has won many art show awards with his works in graphite as well as being featured in many magazines and has held many freehand drawing classes and workshops over the last few years. He writes the "Pencils Down with Brett A. Jones" drawing column for "Artists Back to Basics" magazine and even though his arts practice nowadays also involves other mediums and commitments, his work in 2B graphite remains his greatest passion.

"Making decisions and setting parameters before starting a work is very important to me. Inspiration is one thing but you have to set up the picture before you even start on it by deciding on things. This might sound a bit simple, but some of the most important things in life are. I want to do works in graphite which are the best I can possibly do, plus some. This means for one thing, the time it takes from start to finish must be unlimited. You can't plan on doing the best thing you've ever done in your life, but give yourself a deadline of only a week or a month. It also means always existing outside the comfort zone on the drawing board so each finished work is an improvement on the last.

Consequently some of the drawings take hundreds and hundreds of hours over many months to complete. You have to decide on a scale of detail. I draw every tiny detail and light effect possible with a needle sharp pencil, it nearly drives me mad sometimes, but I've noticed the most frustrating bits of a drawing (the bits that make you angry, and sick in the stomach until you get it right, sometimes weekslater) are the ones that make it a masterpiece instead of just a good drawing. When drawing a motorcycle for example there's no point in taking six months to draw the engine, but three days to draw the front wheel just because you're sick of doing it and want the whole drawing to be finished. I can do a drawing in a few minutes that will look ok, but I would much rather spend unlimited time on each drawing to reach the point where I am happy with the result. Hearing other people saying they like my art is always nice but not the main reason I am driven to create it. Different decisions were made in the beginning and stuck to.

            I've only ever drawn freehand, all my life, because I believe that fine art, by definition, must be freehand (no tracing, gridding, measuring, or projecting whatsoever). You have to have beliefs before you can make decisions and you have to make decisions to do something the best you can.Then there's quality, which far from being an intangible is really just one more parameter you have to set. I decided from the start to really push my own boundaries, the whole time, and not set a ceiling on how well a certain subject had to be drawn to be good enough. When I decided to live in that zone, I realized it is the mental side to the sea of pain.
          Sometimes I rub things out twenty times or more, or spend two days detailing a small part of the picture, only to rub the whole section out because things are slightly wrong, even when I know I might be the only one that ever knows or notices. I plan to continue on my personal journey with 2B graphite and can't see an end to it. The hunger to see all the as yet undreamt of work finished burns very deeply and makes my life both deeply satisfying and endlessly frustrating". I continue.....

Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing no. 3

“DKW Racebike” 

$4600 AUD -framed

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Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions

"Vee Three"

$200 AUD -framed

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Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing No. 12

"Pewter Shot Cup in The Sun" 

$500 AUD -framed

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Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing No. 6

“The Start of Bernie’s Worst Nightmare”

$760 AUD -framed

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Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing No. 2

“E-type Jag” 

$2600 AUD -framed

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Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions

“Sleeping Nude No.1”

$260 AUD -framed

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Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing No. 4

“Happiness is Italian Pushrods"

$12600 AUD -framed

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Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing No. 5

“Chief of the Open Road” 

$9060 AUD -framed

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Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing No. 7

“Sunshine on a Cloudy Day” 

$13600 AUD -framed

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Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing no. 8

“Clockwork Orange” 

$16200 AUD -framed

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Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing No. 11

“Three-Wheeled Tractor ” 

$4600 AUD -framed

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Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing No. 9

“57 Special ” 

$4600 AUD -framed

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Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing No. 15

“Vintage Bush Lemon”

$1060 AUD -framed

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Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing No. 14

“Self Portrait”

$2666 AUD -framed

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Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing No. 16

“Empty Vessel”

$3600 AUD -framed

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All Brett A. Jones original works in graphite offered for sale are framed to exhibition grade standard using acid-free, archival materials and an exacting level of workmanship. To see the works framed please click "more detail".

All works  come with a hand written and signed letter of provenance from the artist and are packed extremely securely for shipping. All enquiries concerning any aspect of the artworks, framing or freight costs are welcome and obligation free. 

Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing No. 1

"Andrew on his Sunbeam"



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Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing No. 13




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Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing No. 10

“Green Frame” 

Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing No. 17

“Pool Balls”

$2660 AUD -framed

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Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing No. 18

“Fruit Tingles”

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Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing No. 19


$1966 AUD -framed

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Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing No. 20

“Tia Revisited” 

Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing No. 22

"Mum and Dad"



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Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing No. 25

“Two Bee Debris”

$6660 AUD -framed

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Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing No. 27

“By Any Other Name” 

Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing No. 26


Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing No. 24

“Shiny Spheres” 

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Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing No. 28

“Boots and Helmet” 

Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing No. 29


Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing No. 31


Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing No. 32

“Cloud of Butterflies” 

Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing No. 33


work in progress
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work in progress
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work in progress
work in progress
work in progress
work in progress
work in progress
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Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing No. 21


$3666 AUD -framed

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Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing No. 23

“Upon Reflection”

$2666 AUD -framed

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Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions
Drawing No. 30

“When We Were Free”

$16666 AUD -framed

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$6000 AUD- framed
$3300 AUD- framed